AbstractThis chapter discusses the context for the further development of criteria and indicators (C&I) and proposes how to maximize their use. This chapter also proposes a shift in emphasis from setting goals in terms of forest area or forestry practice, towards goal setting in terms of the security of specific goods and services. Finally, this chapter concludes by urging the application of forestry C&I in the other negotiation processes that might be expected to have significant impacts on the security of forest goods and services, and notably: (1) ecolabelling initiatives need to urge parallel consideration of the environmental and social standards which should be expected of substitutes for forest goods; (2) the environmental conventions are fast becoming means to support or constrain funding to forests, and must surely become better informed about how good forestry can produce local and national goods and services (and not just global service); and (3) the finance and insurance sectors, which need to open the doors to investments in sustainable forest management and close the doors to asset-stripping approaches.