AbstractThis chapter deals with some applied aspects of the epidemiology, damage, and integrated pest management (IPM) control measures against pest aphid species (including those vectoring viruses) affecting citrus trees and other widely grown tropical fruit tree crops. For both citrus and tropical fruits, choice of a selective and ephemeral insecticide is crucial to preserve natural enemies that, although they may appear too late to prevent the first increase of aphid numbers in the spring, often provide good control later in the season. Currently, any biological control relies on the indigenous entomophagous populations; there is no release of natural enemies in the Mediterranean region. Cultural control is involved in IPM in the sense that farmer practices such as irrigation and nitrogen application can pre-dispose crops for rapid aphid increase and therefore the need to monitor with a view to timing sprays in citrus. Interactions between control measures only involve care in the use of insecticides to avoid damage to biological control.