1. Anderson E 1993. Plants of Central Queensland. Brisbane Australia: Department of Primary Industries. Queensland Government Printer.
2. Beadle NCW 1981. The vegetation of Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1981 690pp.; 19pp. of ref.
3. Boland DJ Brooker MIH Chippendale GM Hall N Hyland BPM Johnston RD Kleinig DA Turner JD 1984. Forest trees of Australia. 4th ed. Melbourne Australia:Thomas Nelson and CSIRO. xvi + 687 pp.; 77 ref.
4. Bootle KR 1983. Wood in Australia: types properties and uses. Sydney Australia: McGraw-Hill Book Company viii + 443pp.; many ref.
5. Coyne PD 1983. Specificity between Casuarina species and root nodule organisms. In: Midgley SJ Turnbull JW Johnston RD eds. Casuarina ecology management and utilization 205-210; 3 tab.; 11 ref.