Didymella applanata (spur blight)



This datasheet on Didymella applanata covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference42 articles.

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3. Arsenijevic M 2006. Fungal species - causal agents of cultivated and wild blackberry cane necrosis. (I): Septocyta ruborum (Lieb.) Petrak Gnomonia rostellata (Fr.) Wehm. Phomopsis spp. and Didymella applanata (Niessl.) Sacc. (Vrste gljiva - prouzrokovaci nekroze izdanaka gajene i divlje kupinee. (I): Septocyta ruborum (Lieb.) Petrak Gnomonia rostellata (Fr.) Wehm. Phomopsis spp. Didymella applanata (Niessl.) Sacc.) Biljni Lekar (Plant Doctor) 34(1):40-46.

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5. Burchill RT Beever DJ 1975. Seasonal fluctuations in ascospore concentrations of Didymella applanata in relation to raspberry spur blight incidence. Annals of Applied Biology 81(3):299-304








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