1. Anon 1983. Bangladesh Standard Specification for General Purposes. Dhaka Bangladesh: Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institution.
2. Anon 1985. Dipterocarps of South Asia: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific bangkok Thailand.
3. Anon 1988. Bangladesh Standard Code of Practice for Preservation of Timber. Dhaka Bangladesh: Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution.
4. Banik RL 1980. Studies on sowing position of garjan seeds on their germination and seedling behaviour. Bano Biggyan Patrika 9(1-2):43-52; 6 ref.
5. Chowdhury KA Ghosh SS 1958. Indian woods their identification properties and uses. Volume I. Dilleniaceae to Elaeocarpaceae. Manager of Publications Government of India Delhi. pp. liii + 304 + 35 plates 1 sketchmap. Many refs.