This datasheet on Coelaenomenodera elaeidis covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
Reference46 articles.
1. Agwu SI 1977. Technical consultation on oil crops for West and Central Africa - The management of a recent outbreak of the leaf miner Coelpnomenodera elpidis on oil palms in Nigeria. Benin City Nigeria: Food and Agriculture Organization 5 pp.
2. Agwu SI 1981. The effectiveness of leaf pruning in controlling field populations of Coelpnomenodera elpidis Maulik. Journal of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research 6(21):66-70
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5. Booth RG Cox ML Madge RB 1990. IIE guides to insects of importance to man. 3. Coleoptera. Wallingford UK: CAB International.