This datasheet on Canarium strictum covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Further Information.
Reference10 articles.
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2. Dayal BR Bhat DJ Kaveriappa KM 1997. Pneumatospora obcoronata-a new host from Karnataka. Indian Phytopathology 50(2):293.
3. Fernandez RR 1964. Gums and resins. Indian Forestry Leaflet No. 174 1964. pp. 21 + 3 photos 1 drawing. 125 refs.
4. Hinge KV et-al 1965. Terpenoids-LXXI. Constituents of Indian black dammar resin [from Canarium strictum]. Tetrahedron Oxf. 21 (11) (3197-3203). 13 refs.
5. Kumar VB 1962. Manufacture of hardboards from tropical hardwoods-I. Choice of process. II. Effect of cooks with different alkalis. Holz Roh- u. Werkstoff 20 (2; 3) (61-8; 114-7). 7 refs.