This datasheet on Sweet potato chlorotic fleck virus covers Identity, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Further Information.
Reference2 articles.
1. Deng XG Zhu F Zhu T Lin HH Xi DH 2014. First report of Sweet potato chlorotic fleck virus infecting sweet potato in Sichuan Province China. Plant Disease 98(1):163. http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/loi/pdis
2. Opiyo S. A. Ateka E. M. Owuor P. O. Manguro L. O. A. Karuri H. W. 2010. Survey of sweet potato viruses in Western Kenya and detection of Cucumber mosaic virus.Journal of Plant Pathology 92(3) 797-801. http://www.sipav.org/main/jpp/volumes/0310/031028.pdf