This datasheet on Mundulla yellows covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Seedborne Aspects, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
Reference25 articles.
1. Cotton G 1998. A background to Mundulla Yellows. In: Mundulla Yellows disease of native plants: history symptoms distribution impacts and likely causes. Workshop held at Mundulla SA Australia. South Australia Australia: Department of Environment Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs 2-3.
2. Czerniakowski B Crnov R Smith IW Luck J 2008. Causes of the dieback syndrome of Eucalyptus and other Australian native species - "Mundulla Yellows". In: Veg Futures 08 Proceedings of the 2008 Australia National Vegetation Conference held at Toowoomba Australia October 2008. Australia: Greening Australia and Land & Water Australia Australia.
3. Czerniakowski B Crnov R Smith IW Luck JE 2006. Soil properties associated with the tree decline 'Mundulla Yellows'. Plant and Soil 285(1/2):197-206. http://springerlink.metapress.com/link.asp?id=100326
4. Fernandez V Ebert G 2000. Foliar iron fertilization: a critical review. Journal of Plant Nutrition 20:2113-2124.
5. Fernández V Ebert G 2005. Foliar iron fertilization: a critical review. Journal of Plant Nutrition 28(12):2113-2124. http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=107848