This datasheet on Myicola ostreae infestation covers Identity, Overview, Associated Diseases, Pests or Pathogens, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Pathology, Epidemiology, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
Reference26 articles.
1. Batista FM Boudry P Santos A dos Renault T Ruano F 2009. Infestation of the cupped oysters Crassostrea angulata C. gigas and their first-generation hybrids by the copepod Myicola ostreae: differences in susceptibility and host response. Parasitology 136(5):537-543. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=par
2. Boxshall GA Halsey SH 2004. Copepod orders and families - Family Myicolidae Yamaguti 1936. In: An Introduction to Copepod diversity Part II [ed. by Boxshall G. A.; Halsey S. H.]. London UK: The Ray Society 588-591.
3. Comps M 1972. On a copepod parasitizing the Portuguese Oyster (Crassostrea angulata Lmk) in the Marennes-Oléron Basin. (Sur un copépode parasite de l'huître portugaise (Crassostrea angulata Lmk) dans le Bassin de Marennes-Oléron.) In: Congrès International pour l'Exploration de la Mer Comité des Crustacés coquillages et benthos. CM 1972.
4. DAISIE 2010. European Invasive Alien Species Gateway. European Invasive Alien Species Gateway. http://www.europe-aliens.org
5. Drinkwaard A 1998. Introductions and developments of oysters in the North Sea area: a review. Helgol Mar Res 52:301-308.