This datasheet on Nicotiana glauca covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
Reference52 articles.
1. AGIS (Agricultural Geo-Referenced Information System) 2013. Weeds & Invasive Plants. http://www.agis.agric.za/wip/
2. Acevedo-Rodríguez P Strong MT 2012. Catalogue of the Seed Plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98:1192 pp. Washington DC USA: Smithsonian Institution. http://botany.si.edu/Antilles/WestIndies/catalog.htm
3. Aviña-Padilla K Ochoa-Sánchez JC Martínez-Soriano JP 2008. Nicotiana glauca L. Arvense is a reservoir of plant pathogen viruses. (Nicotiana glauca L. Arvense es reservorio de virus fitopatógenos.) Revista Mexicana de fitopatologia 26(2):188-190.
4. Barazani O Peramachi Sathiyamoorthy Manandhar U Vulkan R Golan-Goldhirsh A 2004. Heavy metal accumulation by Nicotiana glauca Graham in a solid waste disposal site. Chemosphere 54(7):867-872. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V74-4B0X3JK-2&_user=3796239&_handle=V-WA-A-W-WD-MsSAYWA-UUW-U-AAWBZVWZWC-AAWAWWBVWC-WAYDUZVVE-WD-U&_fmt=full&_coverDate=02%2F29%2F2004&_rdoc=10&_orig=browse&_srch=%23toc%235832%232004%23999459992%23470890!&_cdi=5832&view=c&_acct=C000000593&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=3796239&md5=4ee4783aee5a68e5d0fd24554f22722a
5. BioNET-EAFRINET (The East African Network for Taxonomy) 2013. Keys and Fact Sheets for Invasive Plants.