Anser anser (geese)



This datasheet on Anser anser covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Biology & Ecology, Physiology, Uses, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Economics, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference54 articles.

1. Baéza E Guy G Salichon MR Juin H Rousselot-Pailley D Klosowska D Elminowska-Wenda G Srutek M Rosinski A 1998. Influence of feeding systems extensive vs intensive on fatty liver and meat production in geese. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 62(4):169-175; 32 ref.

2. Blum JC Salichon MR Guy G Rousselot-Pailley D 1992. Comparative development Chemical composition and quality of duck and goose "foie gras" obtained by cramming. 19 World's Poultry Congress Amsterdam 20-24 September 1992.

3. Canope Guy G Rouvier R et al. 1997. Breast muscle weight prediction of 11 week old geese: comparative predictive value of various techniques. 11th European Symposium on Waterfowl. Nantes September 8-10 1997 595-603.

4. Chaillou E Lagarrigue S et al. 1997. Comparison of liver lipogenic Mrna levels between two breeds of geese with different abilities to hepatic steatosis. 11th European Symposium on Waterfowl. Nantes September 8-10 1997 312-318.

5. Davail S Guy G Andre JM et al. 1998. Facteurs limitants de l'engraissement hépatique et corporel de l'oie gavée. 3èmes Journées de la Recherche sur les Palmipèdes à foie gras. BORDEAUX. (1998) 27 et 28 oct.







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