Bombax ceiba (silk cotton tree)



This datasheet on Bombax ceiba covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Economics, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference68 articles.

1. Alexander TG Mary MV Thomas TP Balagopalan M 1983. Influence of site factors in Bombax plantations. KFRI Research Report Kerala Forest Research Institute No. 17 ii + 19 pp.; 12 ref.

2. Anon 1967. Forest statistics for the Tarai and adjoining regions 1967. Forest Resources Survey Publication Nepal No. 4 97 pp.; 2 pl. 1 map.

3. Arushi Mehrotra Mehrotra MD Basu M 2004. Ascochyta bombacina sp. nov. causing leaf blight of Bombax ceiba and its management. Indian Phytopathology 57(4):446-449.

4. Bakshi BK 1976. Forest pathology: principles and practice in forestry. Forest pathology: principles and practice in forestry. Controller of Publications. New Delhi India 400 pp.

5. Bakshi BK Reddy MAR Puri YN Singh S 1972. Forest disease survey (final technical report) (1967-1972). Survey of the diseases of important native and exotic forest trees in India. 1972 117 pp. + 20 pl.; 80 ref.







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