1. Ashton PS 1982. Dipterocarpaceae. In: van Steenis CGGJ ed. Flora Malesiana I Spermatophyta. The Hague Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W Junk Publishers. 9(2): 237-552.
2. Newman MF Burgess PF Whitmore TC 1996. Manuals of dipterocarps for foresters. Borneo Island light hardwoods: Anisoptera Parashorea Shorea (red white and yellow meranti). ix + 275 pp.; Published jointly by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and CIFOR for the ODA Forestry Research Programme University of Oxford; 7 pp. of ref.
3. Smit WTM de Fraiture AC Yasman I 1994. Production of dipterocarp planting stock by cuttings in Indonesia. In: Leakey RRB Newton AC eds. Tropical Trees: Potential for domestication. Rebuilding Forest Resources. London UK: HMSO.
4. Soerianegara I Lemmens RHMJ eds. 1993. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 5(1). Timber trees: major commercial timbers. Wageningen Netherlands: Pudoc Scientific Publishers. Also published by PROSEA Foundation Bogor Indonesia. pp. 610.
5. Symington CF 1943. Foresters' manual of Dipterocarps. Malayan Forest Records No. 16. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia: Forest Department. 244 pp.