1. Abe T Kono M 1953. Studies on the white root rot of tea-bush. I. Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University Kyoto (Agriculture) 5:93-105.
2. Abe T Kono M 1954. Studies on the white root rot of tea-bush. II. On the relation between pathogenicity and different conditions of inoculation as well as on fungal growth in deficient oxygen. Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University Kyoto (Agriculture) 6:153-163.
3. Abe T Kono M 1955. Studies on the white root rot of tea-bush. III. On the effect of composants of culture media to the fungal growth and the phytotoxicity of the filtrate of liquid media used by the fungus. Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University Kyoto (Agriculture) 7:49-56.
4. Abe T Kono M 1957. Studies on the white root rot of tea-bush. IV. On the toxicity of cultural filtrate of the fungus. Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University Kyoto (Agriculture) 8:74-80.
5. Agarwala RK Sharma VC 1966. White root rot disease of apple in Himachal Pradesh. Indian Phytopathology 19(1):82-86.