Spergula arvensis (corn spurry)



This datasheet on Spergula arvensis covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference57 articles.

1. Bianco VV 1977. Influence of the previous crop and of nitrogen fertilization on the weed infestation of a spinach crop. Atti: Stato Attuale della Lotta alle Malerbe nelle Colture Arboree Ortofloricole e Cerealicole Bologna 1977. Societa Italiana per lo Studio della Lotta alle Malerbe (S.I.L.M.). Bologna Italy 161-167

2. Biljon JJ van Hugo KJ Iwanzik W 1988. Triasulfuron: a new broadleaf herbicide in wheat and barley. Applied Plant Science 2(2):49-52.

3. Borowiec S Kuszelewski L Kutyna I LeSnik T lukaszuk T 1985. The effect of long-term fertilizer use on soil properties and weed infestation of rye spring barley Sinapis alba and potato crops. Part II. The effect of different fertilizer treatments on weed infestation of individual crops. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie Rolnictwo No.37:71-86.

4. Bouwmeester HJ Karssen CM 1993. The effect of environmental conditions on the annual dormancy pattern of seeds of Spergula arvensis. Canadian Journal of Botany 71(1):64-73.

5. Champness S Morris K 1948. The population of buried viable seeds in relation to contrasting pasture and soil types. Journal of Ecology 36:149-173.








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