1. Bachmann MR Castillo LB de Dennis RA Empson J Sandberg L Shalo PL SchulthessW 1990. Handbook on Milk Collection in Warm Developing Countries. International Dairy Federation Special Issue No. 9002.
2. Berg JCT van den 1988. Dairy Technology in the Tropics and Sub Tropics. Wageningen Netherlands: Pudoc.
3. Berg JCTvan den 1990. Strategy for dairy development in the tropics and subtropics. Strategy for dairy development in the tropics and subtropics. (xiv) + 192 pp.; many ref.
4. Chamberlain A 1989. Milk production in the tropics. Milk production in the tropics. xiii + 242 pp.; [Intermediate Tropical Agriculture Series]; many ref.
5. Cherney JH Cherney DJR 1998. Grass for dairy cattle. Wallingford UK: CAB International x + 403 pp.