Thecodiplosis japonensis (pine needle gall midge)



This datasheet on Thecodiplosis japonensis covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference127 articles.

1. Bae WoonIk Shin SangChul Kim ZinSuh 1997. Difference in occurrence of pine needle gall midge and sucking insects in pure-pine and mixed-pine stands. FRI Journal of Forest Science (Seoul) No. 56:37-43; 14 ref.

2. CABI/EPPO 2004. Thecodiplosis japonensis. Distribution Maps of Plant Pests No. 658. Wallingford UK: CAB International.

3. Choi SY 1985. Chemical control of the pine gall midges in Korea. In: Ko JH La YJ eds. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of IUFRO Working Parties on Forest Gall Midges and Rusts of Pines September 16-21 1985 Seoul Korea 101-114.

4. Choi SY Lee HR Ahn YJ 1981. Chemical control of pine gall midges (Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye) IV. Improvement of the trunk implantation method with insecticides. Seoul National University College of Agriculture Bulletin 6(2):21-31

5. Choi SY Lee HR Ahn YJ Song YH 1980. Chemical control of the pine gall midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye). (II). ULV foliar spray of the insecticides. Korea Journal of Plant Protection 19(1):5-9







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