This datasheet on Tectona grandis covers Identity, Overview, Associated Diseases, Pests or Pathogens, Distribution, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Further Information.
Reference169 articles.
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4. Araújo Filho JVde Machado ACZ Faria RSCAde Camargo LEA 2012. Root-knot disease caused by Meloidogyne arenaria and M. javanica in teak in São Paulo State Brazil. Plant Disease 96(1):151. http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/loi/pdis
5. Bachheti RK Ashutosh Sharma Indra Rai Archana Joshi Ritu Mamgain 2012. Fatty acid composition and elemental analysis of seed oil of Tectona grandis collected from Dehradun Uttarakhand India. International Journal of ChemTech Research 4(3):1119-1123. http://www.sphinxsai.com/2012/july_sept12/Chem/pdfchem/CT=45(1119-1123)%20JS%2012.pdf