Araucaria cunninghamii (colonial pine)



This datasheet on Araucaria cunninghamii covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference148 articles.

1. Abdurrohim S Endahwati R Husodo SB 1991. Cold soaking treatment on two wood species of Irian Jaya using Kopper Formula 7 preservative. [Pengawetan dua jenis kayu Irian Jaya memakai bahan pengawet Kopper Formula 7 secara rendemen dingin.] Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 9(1):38-42; English tables.; 6 ref.

2. Allen PJ 1993. Tree taper and volume function for plantation hoop pine [Araucaria cunninghamii in Queensland]. Research Note Department of Primary Industries Forest Service Queensland No. 44 17 pp.; 13 ref.

3. Allen PJ Henry NB Gordon P 1993. Polynomial taper model for Queensland plantation hoop pine. Australian Forestry 55: 9-14; 12 ref.

4. Barrett RL Mullin LJ 1968. A review of introductions of forest trees in Rhodesia. Rhod. Bull. For. Res. 1.

5. Barrett RL Woodvine F 1971. Possibilities for irrigated forestry in the Rhodesian Lowveld. For. Res. Pap. Rhod. For. Comm. No. 1 1971. pp. 50. [7 ref.].







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