Atriplex lentiformis (salt bush)



This datasheet on Atriplex lentiformis covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Environmental Requirements, Management, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference19 articles.

1. Abdul Halim RK Al Badri FR Yasin SH Ali AT Bishay A (ed. ) Dregne H 1991. Adaptation and productivity of shrubs in salt-affected lands of Iraq. Desert development Part 1: desert agriculture ecology and biology: Proceedings of the Second International Desert Development Conference held on 25-31 January 1987 in Cairo Egypt 587-600; 6 ref.

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3. Ahmad R Ismail S Choukr Allah R ed. Malcolm CV ed. Hamdy A 1995. Pakistan's Experience in the Agricultural use of Halophytic Species. Halophytes and Biosaline Agriculture. New York USA: Marcel Dekker Inc. 349-359.

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