Haplodiplosis marginata (saddle gall midge)


Skuhravá M,Skuhravý V


This datasheet on Haplodiplosis marginata covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference111 articles.

1. Andersson K 1969. The saddle gall-midge occurs generally throughout Skane and Halland. (Sadelgallmyggan forekommer allmant Skane och Halland.) Vaxtskyddsnotiser 33(2/3):33-40.

2. Baier M 1964. On the bionomics and population dynamics of H. equestris. (Zur Biologie und Gradologie der Sattelmiicke Haplodiplosis equestris Wagner (Díptera Cecidomyiidae).) Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 53(pt. 3):217-273 pp.

3. Bajwa WI Kogan M 2002. Compendium of IPM Definitions (CID). What is IPM and how is it defined in the worldwide literature? IPPC Publication No. 998 Integrated Plant Protection Center (IPPC). Corvallis USA: Oregon State University 19 pp.

4. Banita E Popov C Paulian F 1971 publ. 1973. Studies of the areas in Rumania damaged by the species Haplodiplosis equestris Wagn. (saddle-gall midge). (Cercetari privind zonele de daunare ale speciei Haplodiplosis equestris Wagn. (musculita viermelui rosu al paiului) in Romania.) Analele Institutului de Cercetari pentru Protectia Plantelor 9:233-242.

5. Barnes HF 1956. Gall midges of economic importance. Vol. VII. Gall midges of cereal crops. London UK: Crosby Lockwood & Son Ltd. 261 pp.








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