Dickeya zeae (bacterial stalk rot of maize)


Osdaghi E


This datasheet on Dickeya zeae covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Seedborne Aspects, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference117 articles.

1. Aeny T.N. Suharjo R. Ginting C. Hapsoro D. Niswati A. 2020. Characterization and host range assessment of Dickeya zeae associated with pineapple soft rot disease in East Lampung Indonesia.Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity 21(2) 587-595. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13057/biodiv/d210221

2. Ahmad Y. Mirza M.S. Ghaffar A. 2000. Pathogens associated with stalk rot of corn in Pakistan.Pakistan Journal of Botany 32(2) 251-253.

3. Banapoor A. Amani G. 1986. Occurrence of stalk rot of maize in Iran.Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology 22(1-4) 46.

4. Bazzi C. Mazzucchi U. 1978. Attacks of bacterial stalk rot of maize in sprinkler irrigated crops. (Attacchi di marciume batterico al fusto di mais in coltura irrigua.) In: Reports on activities under the sub-project "Phytiatry of wheat maize and sorghum". (Rapporti sull' attivita svolta nell'ambito del subprogetto "Fitoiatria del frumento del mais e del sorgo"). [ed. by Piglionica V.]. Rome Italy: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Progetto Finalizzato Fitofarmaci e Fitoregolatori. 79-84.

5. Bertani I. Silva D. P. da Abbruscato P. Piffanelli P. Venturi V. 2013. Draft genome sequence of the plant pathogen Dickeya zeae DZ2Q isolated from rice in Italy.Genome Announcements 1(6) e00905-13. http://genomea.asm.org/content/1/6/e00905-13.full








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