Eucalyptus maidenii (Maiden's gum)



This datasheet on Eucalyptus maidenii covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Economics, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference52 articles.

1. Almeida MH Pereira H Miranda I Tomé M 1995. Provenance trials of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in Portugal. Proceedings IUFRO Conference on Eucalypt Plantations: Improving Fibre Yield and Quality 19-24 February 1995. Hobart Tasmania Australia 195-198.

2. Attiwill PM Adams MA 1996. Nutrition of eucalypts. viii + 440 pp. Melbourne Australia: CSIRO Publishing.

3. Backman M de Leon JPG 1998. Pulp and paper properties of four-year old eucalyptus trees for early species selection. In: Proc. 52nd Appita Annual General Conference 1998 Vol. 1 7-13.

4. Bennett DL George RJ 1995. Using the EM38 to measure the effect of soil salinity on Eucalyptus globulus in south-western Australia. Agricultural Water Management 27(1):69-86; 30 ref.

5. Boland DJ Brooker MIH Chippendale GM Hall N Hyland BPM Johnston RD Kleinig DA Turner JD 1984. Forest trees of Australia. 4th ed. Melbourne Australia:Thomas Nelson and CSIRO. xvi + 687 pp.; 77 ref.







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