Apiognomonia veneta (sycamore anthracnose)



This datasheet on Apiognomonia veneta covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference58 articles.

1. Aloj B Nanni B Marziano F Noviello C 1993. In vitro evaluation of fungicidal activity against the agent of plane tree anthracnose. Informatore Fitopatologico 43(6):53-56

2. Ammon V Vann S McCracken F 1991. Incidence of anthracnose and twig canker in two Mississippi sycamore plantations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21(8):1253-1256

3. Anon 1958. What's wrong with my trees? Oaks and Laurels in California hard hit by leaf diseases. Misc.Pap.Calif.For.range Exp.Sta. 26 pp.2.

4. Antheunis N Malevez N Delmotte R 1982. The nutritional status of the urban tree. [Etat nutritif de l'arbre en ville.] Revue de l'Agriculture 35(1):1823-1836; 3 fig.; 4 ref.

5. Antheunis N Temmerman LO De 1983. Influence of nutrition on the decline of urban trees: the case of plane trees attacked by scorch. [Influence de l'etat nutritif dans le deperissement de l'arbre en ville: cas du platane victime de l'anthracnose.] Revue de l'Agriculture 36(2):301-311; 4 pl.; 8 ref.








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