This datasheet on Geoffroea decorticans covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Economics, Further Information.
Reference58 articles.
1. Aguirre H Knudtsen OA 1983. Aerial application of Tordon 12 to improve scrub-infested pastures in the northeast of Santa Fe. Malezas 11(3):235-241.
2. Anderson A Junqueras MJ Carosio C 2000. Anatomia foliar de Geoffroea decorticans (Hill. ex Hook et Arn.) Burkart (Leguminosae) en la Provincia de San Luis Argentina. Phyton 67:151-157.
3. Anderson DL 1976. Invasion of pastures in San Luis Province (Argentina) by Geoffroea decorticans (Gill ex H. et A.) Burk. Trabajos y resumenes III Congreso Asociación Latinoamericana de malezas "ALAM" y VIII Reunion Argentina de Malezas y su control "ASAM" Mar del Plata 4:31-45.
4. Aronson J 1990. Desert plants of use and charm from northern Chile. Desert Plants 10(2):65-74 79-86.
5. Aronson J 1990. Desert plants of use and charm from northern Chile. Desert Plants 10(2):65-74 79-86; 13 pl. (8 col.) 2 fig. 1 map; 88 ref.