1. Boland DJ 1989. Trees for the tropics. Growing Australian multipurpose trees and shrubs in Developing Countries. ACIAR Monograph No. 10 ii + 247 pp.; 11 pp. of ref.
2. Cossalter C 1987. Introducing Australian acacias in dry tropical Africa. ACIAR Proceedings Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research No. 16 118-122
3. In: Turnbull JW ed. Australian acacias in developing countries. Proceedings of an international workshop Gympie Qld. Australia 4-7 August 1986.
4. Gwaze DP 1989. Growth and survival of Australian tree species in field trials in Zimbabwe. In: Boland DJ ed. Trees for the tropics. Growing Australian multipurpose trees and shrubs in Developing Countries. ACIAR-Monograph No. 10 129-138; at end of book; refs.
5. Gwaze DP Stewart HTL 1990. Biomass equations for eight exotic tree species in Zimbabwe. Commonwealth Forestry Review 69(4):337-344; 4 ref.