Quelea quelea (weaver bird)


Cheke R


This datasheet on Quelea quelea covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference83 articles.

1. Anonymous 2013. Red-billed Quelea breeding in the Worcester area Western Cape. Weaver Watch. Online. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://weavers.adu.org.za/trip2009wc.php

2. Ash J Atkins J 2009. The birds of Ethiopia and Eritrea. London UK: Christopher Helm 463 pp.

3. Barre N 1974. The pathology of Quelea quelea (L.) (Passeriformes - Ploceidae). Study of the possibilities of struggle by pathogens. (La pathologie de Quelea quelea (L.) (Passeriformes - Ploceidae). Etude des possibilities de lutte par des agents pathogenes.) The pathology of Quelea quelea. Maisons Alfort France: Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine in Tropical Countries 116 pp.

4. Bashir EA 1989. Traditional African practices for preventing bird damage. In: Quelea quelea: Africa's Bird Pest [ed. by Bruggers R. \Elliott C. C. H.]. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press 248-261.

5. Bernitz Z 2010. Feeding behaviour of Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina at a quelea Quelea quelea colony in the Kruger National Park. Gabar 21:60-63.








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