Chuzan virus infection



This datasheet on Chuzan virus infection covers Identity, Overview, Associated Diseases, Pests or Pathogens, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Pathology, Epidemiology, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference13 articles.

1. Goto Y Miura Y Kono Y 1988. Serologic evidence for the etiologic role of Chuzan virus in an epizootic of congenital abnormalities with hydranencephaly-cerebellar hypoplasia syndrome of calves in Japan. American Journal of Veterinary Research 49(12):2026-2029; 14 ref.

2. Goto Y. Miura Y. Kono Y. 1988. A preliminary study for development of an inactivated Chuzan virus vaccine.Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science 50(3) 673-678.

3. Kim YeonHee Kweon ChangHee Tark DongSeob Lim SeongIn Yang DongKun Hyun BangHun Song JaeYoung Hur Won Park SeChang 2011. Development of inactivated trivalent vaccine for the teratogenic Aino Akabane and Chuzan viruses.Biologicals 39(3) 152-157. DOI: 10.1016/j.biologicals.2011.02.004

4. Miura Y Goto Y Kubo M Kono Y 1988. Isolation of Chuzan virus a new member of the Palyam subgroup of the genus Orbivirus from cattle and Culicoides oxystoma in Japan. American Journal of Veterinary Research 49(12):2022-2025; 24 ref.

5. Miura Y. Kubo M. Goto Y. Kono Y. 1990. Hydranencephaly-cerebellar hypoplasia in a newborn calf after infection of its dam with Chuzan virus.Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science 52(4) 689-694.







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