Balanites aegyptiaca (simple-thorned torchwood)


Rojas-Sandoval J


This datasheet on Balanites aegyptiaca covers Identity, Overview, Associated Diseases, Pests or Pathogens, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Food Quality, Economics, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference127 articles.

1. Abdel-Rahim EA El-Saadany SS Wasif MM 1986. Hypocholesterolemic action of Balanites aegyptiaca fruits. Food Chemistry 20:69-78.

2. Abu-Al-Futuh IM 1983. Balanites aegyptiaca; an Unutilized Raw Material Potential Ready for Agro-industrial Exploitation. United Nations Industrial Development Organization Report TF/INT/77/021. Vienna Austria: UNIDO.

3. Adam JG 1968. La Mauritanie. In: Hedberg I Hedberg O eds. Conservation of Vegetation in Africa south of the Sahara. Acta Phytogeographica 54:49-51.

4. Akanbi MO 1973. Comparing two Saturniid defoliators of Holarrhena floribunda and Ekebergia senegalensis respectively with notes on their natural enemies. Journal of Natural History 7(3):307-318

5. Arap Sang FK Hoekstra DA Mwendandu R 1985. Rehabilitation of Balanites aegyptiaca Acacia tortilis and commpiphora africana in the Grazing Land: Preliminary Results. Dryland Agroforestry Research Project Research Report 2. (Mimeo. Kikuyu Kenya: Dryland Agroforestry Research Project.







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