This book, containing 17 chapters, is intended to be a guide to understanding maize kernel development. The knowledge and insight in this book are the culmination of centuries of genetic and biochemical work directed at increasing the yield and nutritional value of maize. Topics covered include kernel evolution (from teosinte to maize); gametophyte interactions establishing kernel development; endosperm development and cell specialization; kernel mutants; the basal endosperm transfer layer; aleurone; embryo development; embryo-endosperm-sporophyte interactions in seeds; aneuploidy and ploidy in the endosperm; cell cycle and cell size regulation during maize seed development; central metabolism and its spatial heterogeneity in maize endosperm; starch biosynthesis in endosperm; kernel oil content; seed storage proteins; determinants of kernel sink strength; natural variations in maize kernel size; and effects of drought stress on kernel set.