This chapter presents the foliar and floral diseases (algal leaf spot, Alternaria leaf spot, anthracnose, apical necrosis, bacterial black spot or black canker, black-banded disease, black mildew, sooty blotch and sooty mould, blossom blight, decline disorders, galls and scaly bark, grey leaf spot, leaf blight, malformation, Phoma blight, Phoma leaf spot, pink disease, powdery mildew, scab, seca and sudden decline, and Stigmina leaf spot) and soilborne diseases (black root rot, nematode damage, Phytophthora diseases, root rot and damping off, Sclerotium rot, Verticillium wilt and white root disease) of mango that are mainly caused by pathogenic fungi and bacteria, nematodes or parasitic plants. Information on symptoms, aetiology, epidemiology and management strategies (mainly through chemical control) is provided.