AbstractThis chapter focuses on the process of a change in governance in a broader destination region in the mountain tourism sector. A major project involving a complex group of local and regional resort destinations in a key mountain resort area of Switzerland used an approach of governance that included a model with three key aspects: (1) organization and leadership; (2) tasks and resources; and (3) size and dominance. This chapter describes the process of governance in implementing a restructuring and realignment of the many local tourism organizations to address market concerns more effectively through reduced but more focused and more competitive governance structures. In discussing the lessons learned from the case, the authors put forward a number of points for success, which are important in achieving effective governance within complex regional tourist destination structures. These are discussed further in the chapter and include aspects of composition and responsibility sharing, strategic planning, understanding that which drives performance, stakeholder integration and involvement and effective communication, in addition to the fostering of networks and provision of infl uence in destination governance.