1. Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, California 95616
Industrial agriculture and urban-rural growth are mainly responsible for the FOD (Flies, Odors, Dusts) nuisance problems associated with livestock industries in many states. Manure from animal confinement type operations is a major source of these nuisances. Drylot dairies, beef feedlots, and raised wire-cage poultry ranches are the main industries which affect the co-existence of agricultural and suburban living. An Agricultural Sanitation Program by the University of California consists of these principal activities: research, demonstrations, and education. Physical, mechanical, biological and chemical methods are combined into an integrated control program with major emphasis on manure management including collection, disposal, and use. Cooperative research programs also are made with interdisciplinary personnel representing federal, state, and local agencies in line with state and local codes and ordinances governing control of FOD problems.
International Association for Food Protection