Introduction: Carotid web is a focal variant of fibromuscular dysplasia, creating a septal in the carotid bulb, from which thrombosis can occur and may cause stroke. It is a rare disease and there is not enough evidence to establish optimal treatment.
Case report: We report on three patients with carotid web - related strokes: two males (ages 57 and 68) and one female (age 43). Despite optimal medical treatment, both male patients experienced early recurrent strokes, while the female patient presented with a first - time stroke. All three patients underwent carotid stenting, and during a follow - up period of up to 3 years, there were no procedure - related complications or recurrent stroke events.
Conclusion: Carotid web is a cause of ischemic stroke with a high risk of recurrence. Carotid stenting is a safe and effective option for long - term prevention of stroke recurrence. There fore, carotid artery imaging should be carefully evaluated, with attention paid to carotid web in patients with cryptogenic stroke.