The Role of Procrastination and Locus of Control in School Achievement


Solaković Šuajb DŽ.1,Stojkić Milka V.1


1. University of East Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy Pale


Numerous studies are focused on discovering the factors involved in achieving school success or failure. Among the recognized factors are certainly the locus of control and procrastination. Research has shown that procrastination and locus of control are important indicators of school behavior, attitudes toward obligations, and indicators of school success (Sakač 2008; Košanski 2004). Therefore, this paper sought to determine the extent to which they play an important role in school success. The increasing interest in examining school success lies in being assessed as a significant factor in a child’s life. Its significance influences the development of self-confidence, satisfaction, success, and motivation. Within the research framework, school success was determined by school achievement at the end of the school year. The survey was conducted on 100 respondents of elementary school students, a sample is appropriate. During this research, the relationships between these variables were analyzed, the Anova procedure was used to analyze the data. The obtained results showed that procrastination and locus of control within this sample did not prove to be significant factors of school success.


University of Tuzla

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