The Relationship Between the Type of Communication in the Family and the Success of Students in Mathematics in the Fifth Grade


Vukanović Nemanja1


1. Faculty of Philosophy The University of Banja Luka


Family communication with all its specificities has a significant impact on the functioning of its members. This means that the effects of family communication are woven into all segments of the life and work of the persons who make up the family community. Emphasizing the importance of family education, the aim of our research was to use empirical non-experimental research to examine the connection between the types of family communication and the success of students in mathematics in the fifth grade. 161 fifth-grade students from two Banja Luka schools and the same number of parents participated in the research. Statistical significance was determined between the final grade in mathematics and violent and nonviolent communication and between autocratic and democratic communication and the final grade in mathematics, as well as between violent and nonviolent communication and success on the knowledge test and school achievement in mathematics.


University of Tuzla


General Medicine

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