1. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tuzla
The study aimed to examine the characteristics of Bosnian daily newspaper coverage of the Jewish community of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2005-2021. Content analysis of relevant journalistic messages (N=1173) was employed to examine the frequency of their appearance, positioning and formatting patterns, dominant thematic fields, distribution of voices, and overall tone. The results of the analysis point to the contradictory features of media coverage of the Bosnian Jewish community, the limited possibility to achieve "symbolic contact" with the minority community, and the affirmative context of presentation. The study yields empirically grounded insights that allow a better understanding of the process of journalistic coverage of minority groups in multi-ethnic states marked by a history of violent conflicts. The study highlights the relevance of the theoretical understanding of journalism as a performative practice that participates in the process of (re)defining symbolic boundaries between different social groups.
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