The aim of the study was to determine the latent structure of manifest variables of
interpersonal trust and group affiliation of children without parental care. The research
included a sample of 122 respondents of both genders, who benefited care in the Children's
SOS Village in Gračanica, the Village of Peace in Turija and the Home for Children without
Parental Care in Tuzla. In order to verify the set aim of the research, the Scaler of group
affiliation and the Interpersonal trust test were used. A multivariate method of exploratory
factor analysis was used to determine latent dimensions. The obtained data processed in the
statistical package SPSS 20 for Windows. Based on the obtained research results, four factors
were determined that determine the cause-and-effect relationships of interpersonal trust and
group affiliation of children without parental care.
Key words: Children without parental care, educator, interpersonal trust, group affiliation.
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