Bratanović Sadmela,Teskeredžić Amela,Begić Hurma
Visual impairment can occur in different periods of life, and each person reacts differently in a way that corresponds to their personality, abilities, goals, as well as the life situation in which they find themselves. The aim of this research paper was to show, according to the available literature, the impact of individual educational-rehabilitation treatment on visual perception in students with visual impairment. The sample of respondents included a student, male, aged 9 years, diagnosed with nystagmus, amblyopia, and astigmatism. The student was included in an educational-rehabilitation program in order to improve his visual functioning. For the purpose of assessment and evaluation, the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI) fifth edition was used, which is intended for the assessment of visual-motor integration, visual perception, and motor coordination. An initial and final assessment was conducted with the student, and the Visual Perception subtest, consisting of 30 tasks, was used for the same. After the initial assessment, an individual educational-rehabilitation treatment was carried out for 2 months. The research data were processed by frequency analysis. On the basis of statistical processing and data analysis, the results showed an improvement in the area of visual perception, thereby confirming the need to implement an educational-rehabilitation program for a student with visual impairment.Keywords: visual perception,visual impairment, individual educational-rehabilitation program.
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