A. Atijon Greslie Gail, ,L. Mercado Jeryll Nicko
The Philippines has been regarded as one of the top destinations in the world because of its top sceneries and agritourism activities. This study concerns the Agri-tourism programs in Quezon province as basis for sustainable development program. This intended to achieve the following objectives: describe the profile of respondents; determine the impact of programs; evaluate the residents' level of satisfaction; test the significant difference on the impact; and propose a plan of action to attain sustainable development on Agri-tourism of Quezon province. To gather the data, descriptive research method was used. There were 403 computed sample size of residents involved in the study using power of analysis to obtain the necessary data through a purposive random sampling. Moreover, survey questionnaire served as the data-gathering tool and the reliability of the instrument was checked using Cronbach Alpha Reliability Coefficient of 0.763 and 0.986 respectively. The data gathered were treated using frequency distribution, weighted mean, and ANOVA. Results revealed that Agri-tourism programs in Quezon Province were implemented in a great extent as perceived by the respondents. Agri-tourism has great impacts in social, cultural, economic, and environmental aspects. Additionally, respondents were satisfied in the program development, training, and facilities. To strengthen and continually develop the Agri-tourism in Quezon province, a sustainable development plan was conceptualized.
International Organization of Educators and Researchers Inc.
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