Study of a Red Clump Giant, KIC 11087027, with High Rotation and Strong Infrared Excess—Evidence of Tidal Interaction for High Lithium Abundance


Singh RaghubarORCID,Mallick AnohitaORCID,Reddy Bacham E.ORCID,Pandey Jeewan C.ORCID,Zhao GangORCID


Abstract This Letter presents results from Kepler photometric light curves and a high-resolution spectroscopic study of a super-Li-rich giant KIC11087027. Using the light-curve analysis, we measured the star’s rotational period P rot = 30.4 ± 0.1 days, which translates to rotational velocity V rot = 19.5 ± 1.7 km s−1. The star’s location in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, derived values of 12C/13C = 7 ± 1 and [C/N] = −0.95 ± 0.2, and the inferred asteroseismic parameters from secondary calibration based on spectra suggest the star is a low-mass red clump giant in the He-core burning phase. Using Gaia data, we found evidence of variation in radial velocity and proper motion, indicative of presence of an unresolved binary. The large V rot is probably a result of tidal synchronization combined with the aftereffects of He flash, in which the size of the star is reduced significantly. The simultaneous presence of features like high rotation, very high Li abundance, strong dust shell, and strong flares in a single star is relatively uncommon, suggesting that the star experiencing tidal synchronization has recently undergone He flash. The results pose a question whether the binary interaction, hence the high rotation, is a prerequisite for the dredging up of the high amounts of Li from the interior to the photosphere during or immediately after the He-flash event.


American Astronomical Society







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