The Next Generation Deep Extragalactic Exploratory Public (NGDEEP) Survey


Bagley Micaela B.ORCID,Pirzkal NorORCID,Finkelstein Steven L.ORCID,Papovich CaseyORCID,Berg Danielle A.ORCID,Lotz Jennifer M.ORCID,Leung Gene C. K.ORCID,Ferguson Henry C.ORCID,Koekemoer Anton M.ORCID,Dickinson MarkORCID,Kartaltepe Jeyhan S.ORCID,Kocevski Dale D.ORCID,Somerville Rachel S.ORCID,Yung L. Y. AaronORCID,Backhaus Bren E.ORCID,Casey Caitlin M.ORCID,Castellano MarcoORCID,Chávez Ortiz Óscar A.ORCID,Chworowsky KatherineORCID,Cox Isabella G.ORCID,Davé RomeelORCID,Davis KelceyORCID,Estrada-Carpenter VicenteORCID,Fontana AdrianoORCID,Fujimoto SeijiORCID,Gardner Jonathan P.ORCID,Giavalisco MauroORCID,Grazian AndreaORCID,Grogin Norman A.ORCID,Hathi Nimish P.ORCID,Hutchison Taylor A.ORCID,Jaskot Anne E.ORCID,Jung IntaeORCID,Kewley Lisa J.ORCID,Kirkpatrick AllisonORCID,Larson Rebecca L.ORCID,Matharu JasleenORCID,Natarajan PriyamvadaORCID,Pentericci LauraORCID,Pérez-González Pablo G.ORCID,Ravindranath SwaraORCID,Rothberg BarryORCID,Ryan RussellORCID,Shen LuORCID,Simons Raymond C.ORCID,Snyder Gregory F.ORCID,Trump Jonathan R.ORCID,Wilkins Stephen M.ORCID


Abstract We present the Next Generation Deep Extragalactic Exploratory Public (NGDEEP) Survey, a deep slitless spectroscopic and imaging Cycle 1 JWST treasury survey designed to constrain feedback mechanisms in low-mass galaxies across cosmic time. NGDEEP targets the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) with NIRISS slitless spectroscopy ( f lim , line , 5 σ 1.2 × 10−18 erg s−1 cm−2) to measure metallicities and star formation rates (SFRs) for low-mass galaxies through the peak of the cosmic SFR density (0.5 < z < 4). In parallel, NGDEEP targets the HUDF-Par2 parallel field with NIRCam ( m lim , 5 σ = 30.6 30.9 ) to discover galaxies to z > 12, constraining the slope of the faint end of the rest-ultraviolet luminosity function. NGDEEP overlaps with the deepest HST Advanced Camera for Surveys optical imaging in the sky, F435W in the HUDF ( m lim , F 435 W = 29.6 ) and F814W in HUDF-Par2 ( m lim , F 814 W = 30 ), making this a premier HST+JWST deep field. As a treasury survey, NGDEEP data are public immediately, and we will rapidly release data products and catalogs in the spirit of previous deep-field initiatives. In this paper we present the NGDEEP survey design, summarize the science goals, and detail plans for the public release of NGDEEP reduced data products.


Space Telescope Science Institute


American Astronomical Society







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