Solar System Interiors, Atmospheres, and Surfaces Investigations via Radio Links: Goals for the Next Decade


Asmar Sami1,Preston R. A.2,Vergados P.2,Atkinson D. H.2,Andert T.3,Ando H.4,Ao C. O.2,Armstrong J. W.2,Ashby N.5,Barriot J.-P.6,Beauchamp P. M.2,Bell D. J.2,Bender P. L.7,Benedetto M. Di8,Bills B. G.2,Bird M. K.9,Bocanegra-Bahamon T. M.2,Botteon G. K.2,Bruinsma S.10,Buccino D. R.2,Cahoy K. L.11,Cappuccio P.8,Choudhary R. K.12,Dehant V.13,Dumoulin C.14,Durante D.15,Edwards C. D.2,Elliott H. M.2,Ely T. A.2,Ermakov A. I.16,Ferri F.17,Flasar F. M.18,French R. G.19,Genova A.8,Goossens S. J.20,Häusler B.3,Helled R.21,Hinson D. P.22,Hofstadter M. D.2,Iess L.8,Imamura T.23,Jongeling A. P.2,Karatekin Ö.13,Kaspi Y.24,Kobayashi M. M.2,Komjathy A.2,Konopliv A. S.2,Kursinski E. R.25,Lazio T. J. W.2,Maistre S. Le13,Lemoine F. G.18,Lillis R. J.16,Linscott I. R.26,Mannucci A. J.2,Marouf E. A.27,Marty J.-C.10,Matousek S. E.2,Matsumoto K.28,Mazarico E. M.18,Notaro V.8,Parisi M.2,Park R. S.2,Pätzold M.9,Peytaví G. G.3,Pugh M. P.2,Rennó N. O.29,Rosenblatt P.14,Serra D.30,Simpson R. A.31,Smith D. E.11,Steffes P. G.32,Tapley B. D.33,Tellmann S.9,Tortora P.34,Turyshev S. G.2,Hoolst T. Van13,Verma A. K.35,Watkins M. M.2,Williamson W.2,Wieczorek M. A.36,Withers P.37,Yseboodt M.13,Yu N.2,Zannoni M.34,Zuber M. T.11


1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

2. JPL

3. Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany

4. Kyoto Sangyo University

5. National Institute of Standards & Technology

6. Observatoire Géodésique de Tahiti

7. University of Colorado

8. Università di Roma, Italy

9. Universität zu Köln, Germany

10. Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, France

11. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

12. Space Physics Lab., VSSC, Trivandrum, India

13. Observatoire Royal de Belgique

14. Université de Nantes, France

15. Università di Roma (Sapienza), Italy

16. University of California, Berkeley

17. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy

18. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

19. Wellesley College

20. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and University of Maryland

21. Universität Zürich, Switzerland

22. SETI Institute

23. The University of Tokyo, Japan

24. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

25. PlanetiQ, Inc.

26. Stanford University

27. San Jose State University

28. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

29. University of Michigan

30. Università di Pisa, Italy

31. SETI Institute and Stanford University

32. Georgia Institute of Technology

33. The University of Texas at Austin

34. Università di Bologna, Italy

35. University of California, Los Angeles

36. Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, France

37. Boston University


American Astronomical Society

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