Masers and Star Formation Activities in W51A


Zhang Yan-KunORCID,Chen XiORCID,Wang You-XinORCID,Song Shi-MinORCID,Liu Jun-TingORCID,Lu YingORCID


Abstract Concurrently with the maser flare observed in W51-North during the 3 month monitoring of H2O, NH3, and CH3OH maser variability from 2020 January to April using the Tianma 65 m Radio Telescope, we conducted Very Large Array mappings for these three maser species across the entirety of W51A region. After finding the ring-shaped H2O maser which might trace the disk surrounding the protostar residing in W51-North, the NH3 (9,6) maser delineated a jet which might be illuminated in the luminosity outburst possibly caused by the infalling streamer’s interaction with the protostar’s disk. An analysis of the comprehensive distribution of maser spots allowed us to affirm that W51N4 or ALMAmm31 serves as the primary source of the Lacy jet. Furthermore, we observed that class I methanol maser spots may extend beyond the locations of the H2O and NH3 (9,6) masers within the outflow. Additionally, emissions from other NH3 maser transitions coincided with specific 1.3 mm continuum sources. The arrangement of H2O maser spots in the vicinity of W51e2-E potentially indicates episodic accretions in this source. Combining the data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array data archive for W51-North, W51e2, and W51e8, we have discovered that the H2O, NH3, and CH3OH masers, as well as the HC3N and SiO emissions are found to be good tools for tracing outflow in this work for W51A.


MOST ∣ National Key Research and Development Program of China

MOST ∣ National Natural Science Foundation of China


American Astronomical Society







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