Archetype-based Redshift Estimation for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Survey


Anand AbhijeetORCID,Guy JulienORCID,Bailey StephenORCID,Moustakas JohnORCID,Aguilar J.,Ahlen S.ORCID,Bolton A. S.ORCID,Brodzeller A.ORCID,Brooks D.,Claybaugh T.,Cole S.ORCID,de la Macorra A.ORCID,Dey BiprateepORCID,Fanning K.ORCID,Forero-Romero J. E.ORCID,Gaztañaga E.,Gontcho A Gontcho S.ORCID,Gutierrez G.,Honscheid K.,Howlett C.ORCID,Juneau S.,Kirkby D.ORCID,Kisner T.ORCID,Kremin A.ORCID,Lambert A.,Landriau M.ORCID,Le Guillou L.ORCID,Manera M.ORCID,Meisner A.ORCID,Miquel R.,Mueller E.,Niz G.ORCID,Palanque-Delabrouille N.ORCID,Percival W. J.ORCID,Poppett C.,Prada F.ORCID,Raichoor A.ORCID,Rezaie M.ORCID,Rossi G.,Sanchez E.ORCID,Schlafly E. F.ORCID,Schlegel D.,Schubnell M.,Sprayberry D.,Tarlé G.ORCID,Warner C.,Weaver B. A.,Zhou R.ORCID,Zou H.ORCID


Abstract We present a computationally efficient galaxy archetype-based redshift estimation and spectral classification method for the Dark Energy Survey Instrument (DESI) survey. The DESI survey currently relies on a redshift fitter and spectral classifier using a linear combination of principal component analysis–derived templates, which is very efficient in processing large volumes of DESI spectra within a short time frame. However, this method occasionally yields unphysical model fits for galaxies and fails to adequately absorb calibration errors that may still be occasionally visible in the reduced spectra. Our proposed approach improves upon this existing method by refitting the spectra with carefully generated physical galaxy archetypes combined with additional terms designed to absorb data reduction defects and provide more physical models to the DESI spectra. We test our method on an extensive data set derived from the survey validation (SV) and Year 1 (Y1) data of DESI. Our findings indicate that the new method delivers marginally better redshift success for SV tiles while reducing catastrophic redshift failure by 10%–30%. At the same time, results from millions of targets from the main survey show that our model has relatively higher redshift success and purity rates (0.5%–0.8% higher) for galaxy targets while having similar success for QSOs. These improvements also demonstrate that the main DESI redshift pipeline is generally robust. Additionally, it reduces the false-positive redshift estimation by 5%−40% for sky fibers. We also discuss the generic nature of our method and how it can be extended to other large spectroscopic surveys, along with possible future improvements.


DOE ∣ Office of Science


American Astronomical Society







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