Zinc and Copper abundances are rarely available for normal and Chemically Peculiar A stars because the strongest transitions of Zn ii and Cu ii fall in the mid-UV. Estimates of the abundances of zinc and copper are derived for 78 Vir (A2p SrCrEu) and θ Leo (A2 IV) using mean mid-ultraviolet spectra constructed by coadding individual spectra collected with the Long Wave Prime and Long wavelength Redundant cameras over the 18 yr of the IUE mission. The strong transition of Cu ii at 2135.98 Å is present in 78 Vir and θ Leo but definitely stronger in 78 Vir, whereas all Zn ii lines are blended. Spectral synthesis of the least blended lines yields estimates of the abundances of zinc and copper of about 4.92 and 4.95 respectively in θ Leo and 5.82 and 5.19 in 78 Vir (on a scale where log(H) = 12). There is no convincing evidence that these lines varied in the spectra analyzed for both stars.
American Astronomical Society