CAHA/PPAK Integral-field Spectroscopic Observations of M81. II. Testing Photoionization Models in a Spatially Resolved LINER


Li ZongnanORCID,Li ZhiyuanORCID,García-Benito RubénORCID,Jin YifeiORCID


Abstract The origin of the low-ionization nuclear emission-line region (LINER) prevalent in local galaxies and its relationship with supermassive black holes have been debated for decades. We perform a comprehensive evaluation of traditional photoionization models against the circumnuclear ionized gas in M81, for which recent CAHA/PPAK integral-field spectroscopic observations reveal a LINER characteristic out to a galactocentric radius of ∼1 kpc. Constructed with the photoionization code cloudy, the models have the novel aspect of their primary parameters being well constrained by extensive observations of a prototypical low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (LLAGN) and an old stellar bulge in M81. Additionally, these models incorporate a reasonably broad range of uncertain nebular properties. It is found that the integrated photoionization by the LLAGN and hot, low-mass stars distributed in the bulge can roughly reproduce the observed radial intensity distributions of the Hα, Hβ, and [N ii] lines, with the bulge stars dominating the ionizing flux at radii ≳200 pc. However, the models generally fail to reproduce a similarly declining profile of the [O iii] line or an accordingly flat profile of the [O iii]/Hβ ratio. This clearly points to a deficiency of ionizing photons in the outer regions despite an extended photoionization source. The discrepancy might be alleviated if much of the observed [O iii] line arose from a bulge-filling, low-density gas surrounding a denser, Hα-emitting disk, or by a higher AGN luminosity in the recent past. The case of M81 has important implications for the ionization mechanism of LINERs and low-ionization emission-line regions in general.


MOST ∣ National Natural Science Foundation of China

MOST ∣ National Key Research and Development Program of China

China Postdoctoral Foundation Project ∣ National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents


American Astronomical Society


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics







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