In a previous paper, we showed that, like the migration speed, the eccentricity damping efficiency is modulated linearly by the depth of the partial gap a planet carves in the disk surface density profile, resulting in less efficient e-damping compared to the prescription commonly used in population synthesis works. Here, we extend our analysis to 3D, refining our e-damping formula and studying how the inclination damping efficiency is also affected. We perform high-resolution 3D locally isothermal hydrodynamical simulations of planets with varying masses embedded in disks with varying aspect ratios and viscosities. We extract the gap profile and orbital damping timescales for fixed eccentricities and inclinations up to the disk scale height. The limit in gap depths below which vortices appear, in the low-viscosity case, happens roughly at the transition between classical type-I and type-II migration regimes. The orbital damping timescales can be described by two linear trends with a break around gap depths ∼80% and with slopes and intercepts depending on the eccentricity and inclination. These trends are understood on physical grounds and are reproduced by simple fitting formulas whose error is within the typical uncertainty of type-I torque formulas. Thus, our recipes for the gap depth and orbital damping efficiencies yield a simple description for planet–disk interactions to use in N-body codes in the case of partial-gap opening planets that is consistent with high-resolution 3D hydrosimulations. Finally, we show examples of how our novel orbital damping prescription can affect the outcome of population synthesis experiments.
American Astronomical Society
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2 articles.