Formation of Massive Black Holes with M = (103–108) M at Pre-quasar Epochs through Hoyle–Lyttleton–Bondi Accretion of Self-interacting Dark Matter onto a Moving Seed


Das Nirmali,Kalita SanjeevORCID


Abstract The presence of supermassive black holes with M ∼ 109 M hosted by the luminous quasars at cosmological redshift z ≥ 6 is still an open problem in astrophysical cosmology. Here we study the formation of massive black holes at high redshift (z ≫ 7) through Hoyle–Lyttleton–Bondi accretion of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) onto a 20 M seed black hole moving with a velocity ∼100 km s−1 inside the short, mean-free path region of an SIDM halo. We consider observational constraints on a specific SIDM cross section, σ/m dm = (0.1–5) cm2 g−1. Formation timescale of massive black holes with M = (103–108) M is calculated for the universal Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) profile, singular isothermal sphere (SIS), other power-law profiles with a cusp index 2.19 ≤ γ ≤ 2.5 of accreted dark matter, and modified-core isothermal profiles. The ambient sound speed is taken as C s = (10–100) km s−1. It is found that an NFW profile with halo concentration C = 4.75–32.58 estimated at z = 20 and 30 for halo masses M 200 = (1012–1014) M favors formation of massive black holes with M = (103–108) M at high redshift, well before quasar epoch. In this profile, these black holes grow within timescales (0.1–69) Myr at z = 16–20. For the SIS profile, the black hole formation timescales are short compared to NFW. For power-law profiles, massive black holes with M = (106–108) M grow within a few tens to 100 Myr (z = 5–30). For modified-core isothermal profiles, the timescale of massive black hole formation is in the range (0.79–464.08) Myr (z = 8–30).


American Astronomical Society







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